Optimal Wellness Center


Chiropractic Services

60 mins

Sports Chiropractic, Rehabilitation, and Auto Injuries utilizing methods of diagnosis and treatment such as: 

  • Applied Kinesiology- a unique method of assessing the functional neurology, which aids in determining a more correct diagnosis and exact treatment for your condition. 
  • Decompression Table- a more controlled form of decompressing cervical and lumbar spines
  • Electrical Stimulation
  • Heat/Ice Treatments
  • Massage and Muscle techniques
  • Dynamic/Kinesio Taping
  • Physical Therapy Exercises and Techniques
  • Cold Laser

We believe the most effective method is to incorporate therapies that sufficiently warm up the bodies tissues, which allows the body to accept a more thorough effective and longer lasting adjustment. 

Applied Kinesiology

75 mins

The focus of Complete "Whole Body Healing" using methods which focus on the Structural, Chemical and Emotional areas. Within this realm we utilize many different techniques including various Chiropractic Techniques, Nutritional, Herbs, Homeopathic and Diet methods, Emotional Well Being Counsel and Energy Release Techniques.


Dynamic/Kinesio Taping

60 mins

Here is a description of your service. Sed maximus ipsum est, vel condimentum urna rhoncus et. Integer augue id dictum mattis. Quisque neque risus, volutpat eu orci a, vehicula gravida purus. Morbi molestie arcu diam, nec semper ipsum gravida vitae. Nam gravida lacus a nisi varius ultrices. Aenean pretium egestas nunc, sed gravida nulla ornare vitae.


Julie Wilcox LMT

Office:  801-568-1598
Cell:  435-689-1052

$55/hour . $80/90 min .  $105/120 min


Specializing in injury recovery and sports conditioning, we provide therapeutic massage and bodywork for the purpose of stimulating healing, increase muscle and structural function along with range of motion, creating an overall sense of well-being. Also, to decrease pain, inflammation, stress, and dysfunction. Being goal oriented, we customize our bodywork with techniques from a wide range of modalities to achieve the best results for our clients. We use modalities such as: Fijian, Ashiatsu, Sports Massage, Russian Sports Massage, Injury, Structural Bodywork, Stone Therapy, Deep Tissue, Active Isolated Stretch, Trigger Point Therapy, etc. 


60 mins

Here is a description of your service. Pellentesque id libero vitae sem molestie dapibus. Quisque eu massa a elit gravida congue ut et libero. Suspendisse, ac sagittis tellus consectetur. Duis et nulla mauris. Aliquam scelerisque sapien lectus, sed sagittis metus sodales sagittis. Morbi at scelerisque risus. Ut dapibus nunc non sodales blandit.