Applied Kinesiology


What Is Applied Kinesiology and How It Can Improve Your Health


Applied kinesiology (AK) is a non-invasive diagnostic method widely used by chiropractors and alternative health professionals. It involves manual muscle testing to evaluate health by analyzing the body’s structural, chemical, and emotional balance. This holistic approach enables practitioners to detect imbalances that may lead to health issues, helping patients achieve long-term well-being.

Applied Kinesiology: The "Triad of Health" Approach

Applied kinesiology views health as a dynamic balance between three key factors: structural, chemical, and emotional. Each element influences the others, forming what is known as the “triad of health.” When one aspect of this triad becomes unbalanced, it can impact overall wellness and lead to disease. This interconnected view of health allows practitioners to identify and address issues at their root.

Difference Between Kinesiology and Applied Kinesiology

While kinesiology is the scientific study of human movement, applied kinesiology is a diagnostic tool. It uses muscle strength testing to assess how well different systems of the body are functioning, allowing health professionals to tailor treatments to each patient's unique needs.

History of Applied Kinesiology

Developed by Dr. George Goodheart in 1964, applied kinesiology combines principles of chiropractic care with insights from traditional Chinese medicine. Dr. Goodheart discovered that muscle strength or weakness correlates with the health of specific organ systems. By restoring muscle strength, he found it possible to improve the function of the associated organs.

How Muscle Testing Works

The essence of muscle testing is simple: your body communicates its needs, and applied kinesiology helps interpret this communication. By applying pressure to specific muscles, practitioners can detect underlying health issues. Muscles that resist pressure are deemed "strong," while those that don’t are considered "weak." These findings help identify potential imbalances in the body’s organs, glands, or systems.

Benefits of Muscle Testing

Applied kinesiology allows practitioners to gain a deeper understanding of your body’s functioning, offering insight into:

  • Organ Health: Weak muscles may indicate imbalances in corresponding organs.

  • Nervous System: It reveals how well your nervous system controls specific muscles.

  • Circulation and Lymphatic Function: Identifies potential blockages.

  • Bone and Muscle Strength: Detects issues related to structure and alignment.

Advantages of Applied Kinesiology

Applied kinesiology goes beyond surface symptoms, offering numerous benefits that make it a valuable diagnostic tool:

  • Early Detection: Muscle testing can uncover imbalances before they lead to full-blown disease.

  • Non-Invasive and Quick: It provides immediate feedback without requiring lab tests or X-rays.

  • Personalized Treatment: The results help customize treatment plans based on your body's unique responses.

Common Uses of Applied Kinesiology

  1. Chiropractic Adjustments: Applied kinesiology helps chiropractors fine-tune their adjustments by targeting specific muscles that need support. It can also confirm the effectiveness of a correction.

  2. Identifying Irritants: AK helps pinpoint irritants like bacteria, viruses, and toxins, allowing practitioners to address the root cause of your health issues without extensive lab work.

  3. Choosing Supplements: Muscle testing can determine which supplements your body needs for optimal health, saving you from buying ineffective products.

  4. Food Sensitivities: Applied kinesiology offers a less invasive method to identify food sensitivities by testing how your body reacts to different foods.

The Role of Applied Kinesiology in Wellness

Applied kinesiology isn’t just about treating existing conditions; it’s a preventive tool that helps you maintain balance in your body. Here are a few ways it can improve your health:

  • Enhance Structural Health: By identifying and correcting weak muscles, chiropractors can provide more effective adjustments, improving posture, gait, and range of motion.

  • Improve Nutritional Balance: Muscle testing helps uncover nutritional deficiencies, enabling practitioners to recommend the most appropriate vitamins, minerals, or dietary changes.

  • Address Emotional Health: AK recognizes that emotional stress impacts physical health, allowing it to be addressed alongside other imbalances.

Finding a Qualified Practitioner

Applied kinesiology is used primarily by chiropractors, with about 40% of chiropractors integrating it into their practice. Other professionals, such as naturopaths, nutritionists, and osteopathic doctors, may also receive training in AK. To find a qualified practitioner, look for someone with experience and a holistic approach to health.

Improve Your Health with Applied Kinesiology

At Optimal Wellness Center in Midvale, we specialize in using applied kinesiology to uncover the root causes of health issues. By focusing on muscle function, we create personalized treatment plans that address your unique needs. Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain, digestive issues, or stress, AK can help you restore balance and improve your overall health.

Ready to explore how applied kinesiology can improve your health? Contact Optimal Wellness Center in Midvale today to schedule a consultation and learn how muscle testing can guide you on your wellness journey. Call 801-568-1598 to schedule an appointment.

In addition to applied kinesiology, we offer a range of holistic services, including chiropractic care, decompression therapy, StemWave, nutritional counseling, and massage therapy. Discover the many ways we can support your path to optimal health and well-being.

Applied kinesiology is a powerful tool for diagnosing and addressing imbalances in the body. By using muscle testing, practitioners can develop a personalized, non-invasive approach to improving your health. At Optimal Wellness Center in Midvale, we’re here to help you achieve balance, vitality, and long-term wellness through AK and our comprehensive range of holistic services.
