What Is a Herniated Disc?


At Optimal Wellness Center in Midvale, we specialize in treating herniated discs, a condition that occurs when the soft center of a spinal disc pushes through a tear in its tougher exterior. This can cause pain, numbness, or weakness, typically in the lower back or neck, and the symptoms often radiate down the arms or legs.

Common Symptoms

Herniated discs can affect different parts of the body depending on the location of the affected disc:

  • Lower Back Pain: Pain may extend to the buttocks, thighs, calves, and even feet.

  • Neck Pain: Discomfort often radiates to the shoulders and arms. Sharp, burning pain may worsen with movement, such as coughing or sneezing.

  • Numbness and Tingling: Many patients experience radiating numbness in areas served by the affected nerve.

  • Weakness: Muscles can become weak, impacting your ability to lift items or maintain balance.

Causes and Risk Factors

Disc herniation is often a result of gradual wear and tear as part of the natural aging process, known as disc degeneration. As we age, discs lose their flexibility, making them more prone to injury. However, certain risk factors increase the likelihood of developing a herniated disc:

  • Excess Weight: Extra body weight adds pressure on spinal discs, particularly in the lower back.

  • Physically Demanding Jobs: Repetitive lifting, bending, or twisting can increase the risk of disc herniation.

  • Genetics: Some individuals are genetically predisposed to developing spinal issues.

  • Sedentary Lifestyle: Lack of regular exercise weakens the muscles that support the spine.

  • Smoking: Smoking reduces oxygen supply to the spinal discs, accelerating degeneration.

At Optimal Wellness Center Midvale, we take a holistic approach to managing these risk factors, using lifestyle interventions, chiropractic care, decompression therapy, StemWave, and physical therapy to reduce the risk of recurrence.

Non-Surgical Treatment Options

Many people with herniated discs can avoid surgery with the right treatment plan. At Optimal Wellness Center, we offer non-invasive, effective therapies, including:

  • Chiropractic Adjustments: Our chiropractor, Dr. Evan Brady, uses spinal manipulation techniques to relieve pressure and align the spine.

  • Decompression Therapy: This gentle, non-surgical treatment stretches the spine, creating negative pressure within the disc, which can help pull the herniated material back into place.

  • StemWave Therapy: Combined with chiropractic adjustments, this treatment helps reduce inflammation and promotes faster healing.

  • Physical Therapy and Exercise: Strengthening the core and improving posture can help prevent future disc problems and support long-term recovery.

Our personalized care plans are tailored to your specific needs, and we prioritize long-term solutions to keep your spine healthy and pain-free.

When to Seek Emergency Care

In rare cases, a herniated disc can compress the entire spinal canal, leading to serious complications. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience:

  • Worsening Pain: Pain that severely impacts your ability to perform daily activities.

  • Bladder or Bowel Dysfunction: Difficulty controlling bladder or bowel movements, a condition known as cauda equina syndrome.

  • Saddle Anesthesia: Numbness in the areas that would touch a saddle, such as the inner thighs and buttocks.

If any of these symptoms arise, immediate treatment is essential to avoid permanent damage.

Preventing Herniated Discs

While some risk factors for herniated discs are unavoidable, such as aging, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk:

  • Regular Exercise: Strengthening the core muscles provides essential support to the spine.

  • Maintain Good Posture: Proper posture reduces the strain on your spinal discs. Ensure your back stays straight when sitting or lifting heavy objects.

  • Healthy Weight: Maintaining a healthy weight prevents unnecessary pressure on your lower back.

  • Quit Smoking: Smoking accelerates disc degeneration, so avoiding tobacco products is key to maintaining spinal health.

At Optimal Wellness Center Midvale, we’ll work with you to implement these preventive measures and maintain your spine’s health for years to come.

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